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¿Estás seguro en que quieres salir de la página de MiTienda de Anselmo Charry +573158752825?
Al hacer clic en continuar, estarás saliendo de una de una página de MiTienda para ingresar a la página principal de 4Life Corporativo.
Before we learned about 4Life, our lives were very stressful. I worked in a factory starting at 5:00 a.m. everyday, and my husband was driving a truck. We were in a difficult financial situation, but thanks to 4Life, our lives have changed for the better, both financially and health-wise. Two years after starting our 4Life business I was able to resign from work. Today, I have more time to spend with my family. Thanks to 4Life and the success of our business, we have been able to go on three wonderful trips and really improve our lifestyle.
I get great satisfaction from introducing others to this opportunity so they can achieve their dreams and change their lives.
It’s an honor for us to belong to this company, and we have a great responsibility to uphold the motto, Together, Building People. We must give the best we have every day. This determination, along with love, is what makes our business continue to grow.
Our greatest desire is to create a foundation to support the elderly homeless in Colombia, and 4Life will allow us to achieve that.
We are grateful to our sponsor for helping us find this opportunity and, of course, to our upline who have taught us, step-by-step, how to build our business.
© 2024 4Life Trademarks, LLC, 4Life Research Colombia, LLC
La información en este sitio se aplica solamente el mercado de Colombia.
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